Snickety Snack Bar
Let me introduce you to Kansas City’s First Mobile Snack Bar, The Snickety Snack Bar. After launching KC Cocktail Company and bartending many events throughout the years, I saw the need to create a fun snacking experience!
I wanted to create a unique set up that allows us to go into any setting, either big or small, or indoors or outdoors.
The Snickety Snack Bar has several different Bar Options, and each option has a ton of topping choices.
We offer a Baked Potato Bar, Mashed Potato Bar, Sweet and Salty Bar, or just the Sweet by itself or the Salty by itself, Hot Dog Bar, Pretzel Bar, Mini Pancake Bar, Fruit Bar or Yogurt Parfait Bar.
If you would like more info on pricing and toppings, jump over to our social on FB and IG at @thesnicketysnackbar or our website for some basic info, or feel free to call us directly or email us at [email protected]